Այս մասնաճյուղն ակտիվ չէ: Ոչ ակտիվ մասնաճյուղն այն է, որը դրամաշնորհ չի հատկացրել 6 ամիս շարունակ: Եթե Դուք հետաքրքրված եք վերագործարկել այս մասնաճյուղը, խնդրում ենք դիմել մեզ։
Bike Bling
ըստ Levon Kafafian February 2018
From The Curb Up
ըստ Korey Batey June 2017
Hope House Detroit's & Teen Council's Cafe
ըստ Shalmar Nelson April 2017
Seraphine Collective's Beat Match Brunch
ըստ Sophia Softky March 2017
Berm Wave Field Meadow
ըստ Will Gifford March 2017
Asset Based Resource Center
ըստ Courtney Smith March 2017
Young Detroit Thinkers - Detroit City Chess
ըստ Catherine Martinez October 2015
The Birwood Wall Project
ըստ Wendy Casey October 2015
De-tread LLC
ըստ Audra D Carson September 2015
Detroit: Door of Opportunity
ըստ Donna Jackson August 2015
BattleShips - Maker Faire 2015
ըստ Nathan Warnick June 2015
Black WOMEN Rock! Camp of Girls
ըստ jessica Care moore May 2015
ըստ Chelsea Liddy April 2015
Caprice Connects With...Detroit!
ըստ Caprice Woods January 2015
A Conversation With Our Sons
ըստ Nichole Goudreau December 2014
Walk [Detroit]
ըստ Samantha Szeszulski September 2014
Electric Roots: The Detroit Sound Project
ըստ Kristian R. Hill August 2014
∞ mile (infinite mile): a journal of art + culture
ըստ Stephen Garrett Dewyer and Jennifer Junkermeier June 2014
Urban Nation Radio
ըստ Urban Nation Radio, LLC April 2014
Magenta Giraffe Theatre Company comes home!
ըստ Frannie Shepherd-Bates March 2014
ըստ Lance Hicks February 2014
Enhancing Drawing Detroit
ըստ Dr. Carrie Beth Lasley January 2014
Better Detroit Youth Movement Marketing/Media Team
ըստ Cedric Brown January 2014
Detroit Charter Data
ըստ Allison Gross November 2013
Rust Belt Regional Poetry Slam
ըստ Justin Rogers October 2013
Essence of Motown Literary Jam & Conference
ըստ Sylvia Hubbard October 2013
Neighbors Building Brightmoor newsletters
ըստ Leah Wiste September 2013
Detroit Mom and Pop Shop
ըստ Nana Dansoa July 2013
Vote Detroit
ըստ Allison Kriger June 2013
Detroit Grants and Loans Database
ըստ Benjamin Chodoroff May 2013
The Detroit Elders Project
ըստ Juanita Anderson April 2013
Grandmont Rosedale: Love Where You Live project
ըստ Becki Kenderes, Grandmont Rosedale Development Corporation March 2013
ըստ Corey (KIBWE) Pope February 2013Odditorium Detroit, the Blog
ըստ Kristine Diven January 2013
"Inside Southwest Detroit': Resident Interviews"
ըստ J Paul Krystyniak December 2012
Boys 2 Books
ըստ Eddie Connor November 2012
Ocelot Print Shop
ըստ Stacey Malasky October 2012
The People of Detroit Photodocumentary
ըստ Noah Stephens September 2012
I Am Young Detroit 2.0 & CitySpotters
ըստ Margarita Barry August 2012
Belle Isle to 8 Mile
ըստ Emily Linn July 2012
HER Detroit
ըստ Natashua Sanders June 2012
Kidz Times
ըստ Valerie Lockhart May 2012
ըստ Clara Hardie April 2012
The Detroit Journal
ըստ Ben Potter March 2012
Մեր մասին
*** PLEASE NOTE: As of July, 2018, the Awesome Detroit chapter is no longer awarding grants. Congratulations to all of our awardees! ***