Այս մասնաճյուղն ակտիվ չէ: Ոչ ակտիվ մասնաճյուղն այն է, որը դրամաշնորհ չի հատկացրել 6 ամիս շարունակ: Եթե Դուք հետաքրքրված եք վերագործարկել այս մասնաճյուղը, խնդրում ենք դիմել մեզ։
Courtyard Outdoor Learning
ըստ colleen maier, tracy rocca, daniel wyton, joanne collier, sheri thomas May 2015
Մեր մասին
The Lethbridge Chapter of the Awesome Foundation is made up of professionals in the Human Service field, who want to promote awesomeness in our community. We will be giving away $1000 3 times per year to a winning awesome proposal.
Our first event will be May 29, 2015--more details to follow.
Deadline to submit proposals is May 15, 2015.
5 proposals will be selected to present their awesome idea to the trustees at a public event on May 29. The winner will be selected and given their grant at that time.
Winning proposals will be expected to be completed by the next event (fall 2015) and will be asked to present on how they used the money, as well as provide pictures for our website to celebrate.
For our first event, we would really like to focus on youth and invite youth or those who work with youth to submit their proposal ideas.
We are, however, open to other proposal ideas.
Awesome ideas can come from companies, organizations, teams, or individuals.
The project should be something new, exciting, and unique; not an existing, ongoing, or recurring project. It should have an impact on the local community, and the more people it involves or affects, the better!
We are looking for ideas that positively impact our community and are awesome and amazing.
You might want to consider the “9 Awesome Indicators” by Rich Cooper from AF-Toronto to insure your proposal is appropriate for an awesome application:
- Newness – Is this idea totally new?
- Niceness – Is this idea one that makes people happy or helps people?
- Bigness/Inclusion – Potential to reach many people – Can anybody join?
- Hilarity – Does it make us laugh?
- Wow-ness – Does it make us say “Holy crap, that’s awesome”?
- Utility – Does the $1000 make the difference between the project happening or not?
- Value – Is the Awesome Foundation getting real “Bang for its buck”?
- Staying Power – Can the project endure? Will it start a movement or annual event?
- Environmental Impact – Needless waste is not awesome.