Asheville Mini Maker Faire

You've probably never heard of the Asheville Mini Maker Faire, and there's a good reason for that. 2019 (April 6th) will be the inaugural year for the event, and hopefully the first of many!
Simply put, the Asheville Mini Maker Faire will be an opportunity for attendees to come see (and touch!) some of the amazing projects makers from across the region have been building – from hobbyist makers working in their garage to students (elementary and up) and faculty at local schools and colleges/universities as well as entrepreneurs and professional makers. There will be a heavy emphasis on projects that are interactive and that will engage visitors of all ages with a goal of not just educating but also entertaining and inspiring potential makers young and old. The event has been described as part science fair, part county fair, and part burning man Some of the projects we already have planned include persistence of vision displays, harmonographs, building and launching paper rockets, and a robot built by UNC Asheville engineering students that can navigate autonomously through an office environment collecting dirty coffee cups for cleaning.
The Asheville Mini Maker Faire is being organized by an all-volunteer committee of people who are passionate about making and want to see an event like this happen in Asheville. We are committed to making this a free event to attend, so we are relying on the generosity of sponsors in the community to help support the Faire.
Our website should be up soon - hopefully by January 18, 2019 at asheville,