COVEN Trivia for Fundraising & Community-Building

COVEN (a Charitable Organization of Very Enthusiastic Nerds) respectfully requests a grant to support a series of community events that bring people together and raise money for local organizations. Our pop culture trivia nights focus on media that inspires people. So far we’ve done a Schitt’s Creek-themed trivia night benefiting the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center, and a Parks and Recreation-themed trivia night benefiting the Charles River Watershed Association. Those events featured six rounds of questions, themed homemade items for sale, live music, and homemade prize packs for the winning teams. Guests came in costume, donated generously, and bonded over their favorite shows and their commitment to local causes. We’ve raised a total of $4,426 through our first two events, including employer matching contributions.
We’re now planning our third event, a Supernatural-themed trivia night to raise money for the International Institute of New England, an immigrant and refugee services organization. Every dollar we raise at these events goes to the beneficiary organization we’ve chosen for the night, and we always invite the beneficiary organization to speak about their work. We don’t currently have a schedule beyond our October event, but organizations we’d like to support in the future include 826 Boston, Rosie’s Place, Greater Boston PFLAG, and NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts.
Our Schitt’s Creek and Parks and Rec trivia nights were done on a shoestring budget; everything was donated or homemade. While we will continue baking, crafting, and donating all of our time (as that’s part of the fun), financial support will enable us to offer more exciting trivia prizes (which incentivize attendance); create higher-quality items to sell at our events (with all sales going to our beneficiary organizations); promote events to reach wider and more diverse audiences; and invest in supplies to make future events run smoothly and successfully.