During Refugee Week in June the Fleurieu Refugee Support Group launched a Student Art Event that will culminate in an exhibition on Saturday October 3rd of artworks based on the theme "Welcome - We Are One".
To ensure the success of this project, eight of our members are providing support to eight schools in Yankalilla, Myponga, Rapid Bay, Victor Harbor and Port Elliott, plus a home-schooling group. We are working with principals, teachers, school service officers and a pastoral care worker who have taken up the project with great enthusiasm. Each school will display at their school all students' art prior to selection of up to 20 works for entry in the exhibition. Our volunteers will collect the chosen works for delivery to Yankalilla Agricultural Hall by 25th September.
Three independent judges, local Fleurieu artists, will assess the works according to the extent to which they embody the theme "Welcome - We Are One", unity of humanity, cultural diversity, community safety and harmony, as well as demonstrating artistic skill and creativity.
Winners will be announced at 4 pm Saturday, October 3rd at the Yankalilla Showgrounds by Rebekha Sharkie. There are two categories for entry: Age range 5 - 11 and 12 - 18 years. Cash prizes will be awarded in each age group as well as merit prizes and participation certificates.
Local musicians, a band from Somalia and a local school choir will provide musical entertainment outdoors under a marquee. We have booked a refreshment van.
This event has potential for tremendous reach and sustainability, as students share with families and friends their ideas about creating a welcoming community and spreading a spirit of sharing. Articles in local papers before and after the exhibition further promote community discussion that can dispel misinformation, prejudice or fear. The event may be held annually featuring different themes and involvement of refugee and community groups and fostering the engagement of youth.