Full of Chaat - feed the kids

I run a small street food business based in Birmingham, this year Covid has affected our business in ways we could never have imagined and 90% of our work was cancelled. This unfortunately meant we lost our unit where we cook and run the business from.
After a few weeks of wallowing I decided to look at ways in which we could help the only way we know, to feed people.
We started in April by working with meals for the NHS and fed the nurses and doctors working on covid wards who were not able to get a hot meal on the night shifts and personally delivered around 10,000 meals over the first lockdown to 8 different Midland trusts.
In October when the government voted against continuing to provide free school meals for the most vulnerable children in our community we started a project to ‘feed the kids’
I personally alongside 3 others from, Digbeth dining club, labour parliament and a locally based food poverty charity set up a week long project to supply hot meals for kids in our local community. We have since formed ‘northfield food service’ and have continued Cooking and delivering meals every Thursday to families in the local community that need it the most.
This is something we are going to continue going forward and we would love to be able to cook more meals and help more people through 2021.