Youth Music @ MAGMA

MAGMA has hosted youth music programming since it's opening in 2017, with about 40 all ages shows under its belt to date. Most recently, a group of teens from Gloucester have spearheaded initiatives in the electronic music genre, namely live music shows and a monthly hangout time for kids to collaborate and share ideas. This kind of grassroots, kid-driven initiative is absolutely golden, and I am working to noninvasively facilitate so they can do their thing - but we could really use some support to make it all happen!
First off, for electronic music, there are certain technical demands that must be met. MAGMA currently has a very good basic sound system, but we do not have a subwoofer for the extra low frequencies - something rather essential to this genre of music, especially in live performance. So we are looking to buy a subwoofer. Also, we want to make the space as accessible as possible to the kids, meaning cost-free or very low cost for the shows, rehearsals, and the monthly hangout program. Over the next 12 months we will host at minimum 10 live music shows and 12 monthly hangout meetings.. It will serve not only the local young musicians but also the many kids who comprise the audience, who are so excited to have something to do in public that is is truly for them - accessible to all ages, low cost, and created by peers, not adults. We are proud to give space to our creative youth and wouldn't have it any other way, but also recognize that this is something that makes Gloucester more AWESOME, and is deserving of support so that it remains sustainable.