Blues in the Parks

A live blues music performance with free blues for kids education workshops. This is a free event, open to the public, and outdoors at Merriam Park in St Paul, MN. The harmonicas are donated by a local non profit, The MN Blues Society, The event will promote a dying music genre, which is blues music. It will be a fun, family friendly event, with free music education classes, live music and outdoors at a public park.
I am collaborating with the MN Blues Society a small, local non profit that offers free harmonicas for blues for kids harmonica classes. I am the volunteer chairman of the blues for kids education committee at the MN Blues Society. The event will be collaborating with the St Paul Parks and Rec Department at Merriam Park with my contact, named Patti Schwartz. This event is free and open to the public. She hired our band to play at their park once in the past during a public event and I offered a similar free blues for kids harmonica class. It was a great success. I would like to create a similar project with more live music and more blues for kids workshops, promoting the blues music genre. This will build awareness to blues music, engage the community, and offer free blues education and harmonicas for kids,
1:00 to 2:30pm Group Music Lessons- Kids and parents can casually walk around to each station and spend time learning blues in four different areas. We will have four separate groups teaching music lessons in the following:
Harmonica Lessons- New, free, harmonicas will be donated by the MNBS
Guitar Lessons- I will donate 3 guitars that students can try out during lessons
Vocal lessons and blues history-
Blues/Swing Dance Lessons-
2:30pm to 3:30pm open blues jam- intermediate/advanced musicians of all ages can join the house band and perform 2 songs each with
3:30-5:00pm Professional blues band performance. The crowd can enjoy the music, play their instruments, dance, and now have a better understanding of the blues.