IF giving 500 people a rose and a bumper sticker to BLAST the news that they are AWESOME could actually change the brain wave patterns of 74,750+ people in a positive way in Bend Oregon shouldn't it happen? YES!!
I will start by sharing what a single yellow rose did for me and why it lead me to wanting others to have the same feeling! I googled away on the history and psychological effects of flowers and found super interesting and exciting studies that have been done and I can't wait to share all of it in my pitch!
The "YOU ARE AWESOME" sticker is the "gold star" the recipients have to share that they truly are fantastic people! We all know the marketing power of stickers and more people deserve to know about the "Awesome Foundation" and all the great things that are happening all over the world because of the good work of so many that are making their communities better places!
100 roses with stickers will be given out to unsuspecting people throughout town for 5 weeks. The receptionist at the dentist that was super nice to you 6 months ago or the checker at the grocery store that always makes your day! It might be your sons teacher or your daughters coach? The roses will be available for anyone to be the giver by signing up on the "PYAA" (Project You Are Awesome) Facebook page. 1 rose or 10 anyone can pick them up once a week to share!
Sooooo exciting isn't it?!