Doha (Non-active)

Cette branche n'est actuellement non-active. Une branche non-active est une branche qui n’a pas remis de bourse au cours des six derniers mois. Veuillez nous contacter si cela vous intéresse de relancer cette branche.

A Propos

It's official. Doha is overflowing with AWESOMENESS!

Here's the deal: Small can be mighty and we believe that far reaching, high impact endeavours can be successful with a small cash contribution combined with a large display of awesomeness. Funding applications are due by the 20th of each month with a winner selected and announced by the 30th of each month.

If you're awesome, have an awesome idea that benefits society, and are in need of micro-funding of up to QR 5,000 to make it happen, apply for an Awesome Award. Doha's 10 Awesome Trustees extend funding with 'no-strings-attached' to one winner per month to effectively launch their community enhancing project. Totally awesome!

Have a Q: email us: ...or... Ready to make your socially beneficial initiative a reality in Doha? Apply now!

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