DrawBridge Art Group for Homeless Children

DrawBridge is a Bay Area nonprofit that provides expressive art programs for homeless and underserved children. We present 25 weekly art groups in seven Bay Area counties and serve over 900 kids each year, with a total of 5,800 child visits annually to the groups.
DrawBridge offers a safe, supportive environment in which children ages 4-18 can use creative arts to work through the stresses in their lives, and discover their creativity, joy, self-confidence and hope. Kids have the space to have some fun, make some art, and express themselves in a completely safe and accepting environment. Through art, children can release the build-up of potentially destructive emotions.
Each group is run by a trained, experienced Facilitator and one or more trained volunteers, who bring inspiration, encouragement and compassion to each session. They focus on creating a positive, supported art experience for the kids, who are given art materials, general ideas, and then are set free to do their own creative exploration. And they love it!
We go right into the facilities where the kids live to bring the art groups to them. These sites include homeless shelters, safe houses, transitional and supportive housing, and affordable housing.
Our funding comes from individuals, foundations, corporations, and fundraising events. Some of the facilities contribute program funds to us if it is available, but the majority receive our services for free. There is NEVER a fee to parents for a child to attend.
We receive positive feedback from kids, parents and site managers that the programs really help kids, improve outlooks and bring relief and joy to participants.
The organization is in its 30th year and continues to increase the number of children served. There are currently four groups in Marin, and this request is to help support one of those groups. A new group will be opening soon in either Novato or Marin City.