S.T.R.I.V.E. with Women's Storybook Project

The Women's Storybook Project is based in Austin and serves children and their mothers through visits at 10 out of 12 Texas Women's Prisons. We connect children to their incarcerated mothers through the joy of literature. Pre-COVID, our volunteers brought brand new books into prisons and recorded moms reading the stories to their children. We have not stopped serving due to Covid-19, but instead have pivoted to serving through the U.S. Mail.
Women's Storybook Project of Texas has been invited to work with the STRIVE program out of the Mountain View Women's Prison. Women in the STRIVE program will be released from prison in 12 weeks. The grant of $1000 from the Austin Awesome Foundation will make sure that every mother and child have a copy of The Invisible String by Patrice Karst. We'll also be able to get Sony Digital recorders to enable the book recordings. Lastly, we'll prepare a package for each family of supportive literacy resources tailored to the area where they'll be going, post-incarceration.