Photography Workshops for Farmworker Youth

In July, I aim to organize three separate photography workshops for youth residing in the farmworker camps of San Andreas, Buena Vista, and Jardines del Valle in Santa Cruz County. Having grown up in one of these camps myself, I know firsthand how crucial extracurriculars are, especially during the summer when life in these rural areas can feel particularly isolating for kids.

The primary objective is to empower youth to capture the essence of their own homes through photography. Students will learn basic photography skills such as understanding composition, lighting, focus, and exposure, but the focus will be on encouraging them to find special parts of their community that they want to capture and convey to others.

The photographs taken during these workshops will be eligible for inclusion into an exhibition scheduled for December 14th, 2024 at the Watsonville Public Library. This exhibition serves as an avenue for farmworker communities to reflect on our personal histories.

Financé par Santa Cruz, CA (June 2024)