Voices of Tomorrow Empowered (VOTE) summer program

VOTE - Voices of Tomorrow Empowered - is a free week long program that increases understanding of civic engagement, teaches the tools of social change through the arts, and fosters an early interest in and commitment to civic participation. The program, which is run primarily by program alumni, serves economically marginalized youth from the Hudson Valley between the ages of 13 and 18. Activities, coordinated by a former Capitol Hill staffer, include mock legislative procedures, visits to the offices of elected officials, the use of theater, art and music as tools for social change and community service. Each year the participants culminate the program with a public presentation of their art project. Past projects have included the installation of a mural in downtown Poughkeepsie, the screening of self-designed public service announcements and the building of artistically decorated benches and tables for urban parks in Poughkeepsie..

The program is held on the campus of Oakwood Friends School where participants live in the dorms and have use of the 55 acre campus including the gym, theater, and classroom spaces.

Participants also take part in local recreational activities including bowling, swimming, mini-golf and Splash Down Beach. Each year the program includes a service learning component where participants volunteer at area non-profits such as Dutchess Outreach, the Poughkeepsie Community Fridge and Poughkeepsie Farm Project.

Financé par Poughkeepsie, NY (July 2024)