Georgetown History Trail

My name is Jaiden, a lifelong resident of Georgetown and a proud member of Troop 51 in Scouting America. I am currently working toward the rank of Eagle which requires completing a meaningful community service project. For my project, I have chosen to create a historical walking tour around Georgetown to highlight the events and landmarks that have shaped our town’s rich history.
The goal of this project is to create a deeper appreciation for our local history, while encouraging fitness and being outdoors by creating a walking trail through town. The walking tour will include a detailed map, which will be printed for residents and featured on the Town’s website. A sample of the walking trail map is attached.
As part of the project, I will place signs at several of the historical sites around Georgetown. Each sign will serve as a marker, providing a brief description of the site’s historical significance. Attached is a generic layout of the sign, which includes a QR code. Scanning this QR code will lead visitors to a video where a different Scout narrates the history of the site, offering insights into related events or interesting facts. The videos and site information will also be hosted on the Town’s website, making the tour accessible online.
This project has received overwhelming support from key community organizations, including the Georgetown Historical Commission, Georgetown Historical Society, Georgetown High School History Department, Scouting America, and members of Town Hall. I have collaborated with representatives from each of these groups to identify the list of historical sites and ensure the tour fully reflects our town’s unique heritage. There are many people and organizations in town that are rooting for the success of this project with the common goal that our community can uncover and celebrate the hidden gems of Georgetown's history.