Tobin School Mural

There was a whole lot of Awesome in the submissions bag for the Boston chapter’s September 2011 Fellowship. One in particular stood out. Internationally known mural artist, Caleb Neelon, applied for spray paint and sandwich money to underwrite the transformation of a large wall for the Tobin School in Mission Hill. For those who love art and our fair city, Neelon’s TEDx Boston presentation (‘Courting the Creative Class’) is a must watch.
Want to know more? Here’s a blurb from the application:
I'll have some artists coming in from out of town and it'll be a great time. Right now I don't have any idea what we'll be painting, but that's the way I like it, and the school principal is fine with that. I know it'll be really colorful. The wall is boring crummy brick and needs some love.
This will be the 2nd project Neelon has done for the elementary school. Weather permitting, painting will begin this weekend as a lead in to his upcoming talk at the MFA (Sunday, September 25th @ 2pm) and recently released book, The History of American Graffiti. Follow the link to Amazon. The reviews are pretty freakin’ awesome.