The Incredible Edible Shed

Have you heard?! The municipality has provided land at Delhi park and a one-time seed grant to begin a resource and demonstration community garden to inspire and support the proliferation of community gardens in neighbourhoods throughout the County. The garden in Picton will be a place for the whole community to come together to learn about innovative organic community gardening practices. It will showcase different models of community gardens (Allotments, communal, free to pick etc), and provide the benefits that community gardens are known to provide:
-A sense of community, friendship and improved health through gardening
-Access to healthy food for food banks and other local food groups
-A pesticide free environment, water conservation, composting
-Learning opportunities for novice and experienced gardeners.
-A chance for people of all ages and abilities to enjoy an activity together.
But lots of towns have community gardens- we think ours need to be unique and AWESOME. Which is why we are asking Awesome PEC and Slow Food to help us build THE INCREDIBLE EDIBLE SHED!
The Incredible Edible Shed will will be a straw bale structure built by the community, for the community. The shed will itself be a demonstration of sustainable natural building techniques (strawbale, cordwood, living roof etc.) and will be built by volunteers facilitated by local teacher, and graduate of Fleming College's Sustainable Building Design and Construction program, Keri Nelson. Natural building methods like this are great for community buildings, not only for their small ecological footprint but also because it's really easy for volunteers of all ages to build.
But Will it Really Be Edible?
The building will in fact incorporate vertical veggie gardens and a shaded patio (to serve community meals/get out of sun). The Incredible Edible Shed will be open to passersby to help themselves to whatever is ready for picking. Oh, and it will store our tools too!