Hello Ottawa

Our grant this month goes to Anne Patterson of the popular blog Hello Ottawa! Hello Ottawa photographs and interviews Ottawans about their relationship with the city and their lives. It’s an exploration of the city and its people, and anyone can participate.
Participants are photographed somewhere meaningful to or representative of their life in Ottawa, and the long-form, in-depth interviews follow on that theme. Past participants who have been profiled include a homeless youth (Corey), a local artist (Colin), a sex worker (Lindsay), an urban dancer (Sucre), and many more.
Anne says: “I’ve always been fascinated by the way people experience place, and how where we live shapes our identities and lives. Hello Ottawa started in September 2010 as a way for me to explore and learn about Ottawa, and get to know the people who live here. The project is also a great way to help people in Ottawa learn about some of the amazing people who share the city, and who they might not otherwise meet or hear about.”
Since starting Hello Ottawa a year ago, Anne has posted 23 profiles and interviewed more than 50 people; right now has a waiting list of about a dozen potential participants. She will put our money to use with transcription services as each profile take her 10-15 hours to complete. This will allow her to post more frequently to her blog and bring more of these fascinating stories to life! Good luck Anne!