Young Company Fall Theatre Series

“I want to be involved in a production!” – These are the words of a young, budding thespian who attended a workshop on improvisation earlier this summer. Throughout July and August, those aged 10-18 were invited to take part in Young Company Theatre Days: The Place to Act Out!, a workshop series where community leaders shared their theatre arts expertise and enthusiasm with young participants. Our organization, Young Company Productions (YCP) hosted nine free workshops in Annapolis Royal on a variety of topics ranging from The Art of Auditioning to Scriptwriting and a backstage tour of King’s Theatre. This series was the first in what we hope will be a resurgence in young people’s involvement in theatre in our community.
With another school year around the corner, we want to build on the momentum of our summer program by offering a series of theatre sessions this fall.
Our Awesome project will provide 8 weeks of drama workshop sessions for teens and pre-teens, under the Young Company banner and will include a final production open to parents and community members.
The Awesome funding ensures that the workshops will remain free and accessible for all participants.