Come Play with Us - Exploring Fibre Crafts

April 22nd 2017, SOFAAR, the Society of Fibre Artists of the Annapolis River, will host a day long "Come Play with Us" event at the AR Firehall.
This event will invite members of the community for a full day of communal fibre crafting (knitting, hooking, weaving, embroidery, cross stitch, needlepoint, spinning, felting, beading, basketry, etc - if it is done with fibre, it will be there!).
We will offer demonstrations of different techniques and a chance for visitors young and old to try their hands at these techniques and see what working with fibre is all about.
We would like to make this an inclusive event from school age children to seniors.
A special visit will be made to area schools in advance of April 22nd to encourage participation.
We will have some special hands-on projects designed especially for youth.
Part of SOFAAR's mission is to promote and advance fibre-based art through educational activities and this community event will help us achieve this goal.