I Can Make the World A Brighter Place

The month of December is a joyous time for the Jewish people - with eight days of Chanukah to brighten up the winter, fill hearts and be with family and friends.
The Newburgh Jewish Community Center - a non-religious entry in the City of Newburgh - is always looking for ways to create community engagement, promote our campus, and celebrate the tenants of Judaism to spread peace and build relationships.
During Chanukah, we stage a large menorah on the front lawn and conduct community lightings honoring different groups each night (first responders, teachers, religious clergy, educators, etc). Complimentary to these efforts, we'd like to spread an artistic message that enhances our worldview and is viewable to all during the month of December.
We have a big windowfront and would like to partner with an artist to paint it with the song lyrics "I Can Change the World With My Own Two Hands, Make it A Better Place with My Own Two Hands" weaving in an imagine of a traditional menorah. We would also like to hang a large canvas during the days of Chanukah culminating with a large gathering on Dec 5th where all are invited to put their own handprints on the mural. So we have a temporary art display and also a permanent piece that can go up every year to honor the 2021 initiative.